The “Complete” Beethoven

The Three Duos for Clarinet and Bassoon (WoO 27) are now considered “spurious” and “of doubtful authenticity,” meaning that they’ve been misattributed to Beethoven and somebody else probably wrote them. Nevertheless, musicians still play them, and they might be Beethoven, so…

#Beethoven250 Day 29
Duo for Clarinet and Bassoon in C Major (WoO 27, No. 1), 1792?

These two young men are having a grand time performing the first of the questionable duos for clarinet and bassoon in Sendai Japan.

#Beethoven250 Day 29
Duo for Clarinet and Bassoon in F Major (WoO 27, No. 2), 1792?

Two students at Boston University play the second of the clarinet and bassoon duos, consisting of an Allegro, an Air, and a Rondo.

#Beethoven250 Day 29
Duo for Clarinet and Bassoon in B♭ (WoO 27, No. 3), 1792?

In the third of the questionable duos, an Allegro is followed by an Air and Variations, played here by a couple of Dartmouth students on a nice spring day.